Haiphong Sewage and Drainage Ltd. Co. (SADCO)

Figure 1. Introduce business lines of SADCO

SADCO is responsible for managing, maintaining, operating, and protecting sewage systems and sludge treatment for four central districts of Haiphong City. They are managing a Vinh Niem WWTP, Trang Cat Sludge treatment plant, etc. In the past, SADCO had two projects funded by the Finnish authorities (1999-2007 & 2001-2006).

At the moment, they are looking for Finnish partners to collaborate in:

  1. Drainage project of Hung Vuong Street, So Dau Ward, Hong Bang District, Haiphong City

Estimated budget: €2.5 million; Period: 2022 – 2023

Current situation:

  • The total population in the area is 6,000 people. Area: 1km2.
  • From three drainage directions before 2010, there is only one direction is being used.

Project detail:

  • Add one pipeline D1500, L380 alongside Binh bridge to collect wastewater and discharge it to Cam River.
  • Add one pipeline D1200, L500 and D1500, L600 to collect wastewater to Cam River.
  • Financial proposal: 75% of ODA loan, 25% from the Vietnamese authorities’ budget support and the local budget.
  • Payback period: 5 years with 0% interest.

2. Drainage and Sanitation project for Kien An District, Haiphong City

Estimated budget: €27 million; Starting period: 2022 – 2023

Current situation:

  • Total population in the area: 110,400. Area: 29,5 km2.
  • The average elevation is +4.7 and +5m above sea level.
  • Old centralized drainage system with no standard design. Wastewater is untreated and discharged directly to the river.

Project detail:

  • Constructing of a stormwater pumping station.
  • Constructing of wastewater pumping stations and drainage systems to WWTP.
  • Constructing a traditional WWTP with activated sludge treatment technology (capacity 21,234 m3/day).
  • Renovating existing centralized sewer pipeline systems.
  • Providing equipment and maintaining process.
  • Training human resources.
  • Providing spare parts for sewage projects.
  • Financial proposal: €5 million from the local budget, €22 million from foreign investors.

3. Drainage and Sanitation project for Hai An District, Haiphong City

Estimated budget: €2 million; Planning period: 2022 – 2023

Current situation:

  • No rainwater pumping station in Hai An District, which caused flood when heavy rain with high tide level.

Project detail:

  • Constructing a Phu Xa stormwater pumping station with a capacity of 12 m3/s.
  • Renovating and dredging centralized sewage systems.
  • Financial proposal: 50% of Vietnamese authorities’ budget support and the local budget, 50% from foreign investors.

4. Using technology in wastewater management and flood prediction

Estimated budget: €300,000; Planning period: 2022 – 2023

Current situation:

  • No monitoring systems are available to manage sewage systems, especially for pumping stations. Surveillance cameras do not optimize during difficult conditions.

Project detail:

  • Installing rainfall monitoring equipment.
  • Installing monitoring systems for rainwater pumping stations.
  • Installing monitoring systems for tide locks.
  • Installing flood prediction monitoring systems.
  • Installing monitoring systems for the water levels in ditches and lakes.

Read their presentation (EN, VI) here. Other presentations are available here.

Would you like to collaborate with HAPUCO on these new projects? Contact us via contact@gemusnordic.com with the title “Collaborating request with SADCO”.